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Sepura offre une solution innovante en matière de compostage, transformant le système traditionnel d'élimination des déchets en une centrale de compostage. En mettant l'accent sur la durabilité et le design, Sepura s'est taillé une place sur le marché en faisant partie des 100 meilleures inventions de l'année selon TIME. Elle s'est tournée vers Pact pour révolutionner son identité et son expérience en ligne.

From Zero to Launch

Nous avons travaillé en étroite collaboration avec l'équipe fondatrice de Sepura pour créer une marque et un site web qui mettent en valeur non seulement le produit, mais aussi son fonctionnement. En montrant plutôt qu'en racontant, nous soulignons constamment la conception avant-gardiste du produit Sepura, son engagement environnemental et sa fonctionnalité inégalée. Les applications en ligne et hors ligne présentent un design élégant et moderne qui rappelle Apple et Rivian. L'utilisation d'images de haute qualité, d'éléments de design minimalistes et d'une palette de couleurs étonnamment fraîche, nous permet de créer une expérience engageante qui permet à Sepura d'éduquer, d'inspirer et de vendre.

Visit the Site

Turning a New Leaf

For Sepura’s identity, it was important that the logo incorporate the notion of separating liquids from solids. We created an identity system that is reminiscent of the strong, iconic brands with a mid-century look and feel, with subtle twists.

The typeface Roobert is used to lend a sense of innovation and joy amidst the strong lines and geometry, and the color palette is fresh and modern. The blue represents the ocean, while the straw color represents the earth.

Posts with Purpose

Building on the strong brand identity, we created a toolkit that would allow Sepura to share a variety of different content across their channels, including key stats, testimonials, explainer videos and more.

Beyond creating these assets and templates, we worked with the team at Sepura to build a robust and customizable set of assets that they could mix and match to fit their needs. In other words, instead of delivering a static PDF of what their social channels could be, we helped build out a system and toolkit that allowed them to implement it seamlessly across their trade show booths, social channels, marketing emails and everything in between.

Show and Tell

One of the most meaningful aspects of this project was the opportunity to show customers exactly how this innovative piece of technology works and how it could fit in their home. The website uses a combination of videos, animation renderings, and descriptive text to tell the story of Sepura. This multimedia approach not only educates the user about the product but also immerses them in the brand’s narrative. The visuals, combined with compelling copy, paint a picture of a product that is both innovative and essential for modern residences.

We worked closely with rendering artists at Zorka Studio to create this immersive breakdown of the Sepura device. As the customer scrolls down the website, they have the chance to see a Sepura in the kitchen, in use and an overview of how the technology works.

Designed to Sell

Upon landing on Sepura’s product page, customers are immediately greeted with a sleek and modern design that captures the essence of the brand. High-resolution images of the product, combined with a minimalist aesthetic, create a clear, cogent narrative for customers to learn and explore. The choice of a neutral color palette, punctuated by Sepura’s signature green, reinforces the brand’s commitment to sustainability and highlights the call-to-action button.

The product page goes beyond surface-level information, offering users a comprehensive understanding of Sepura’s offerings. From its price point to its unique features, every detail is meticulously presented. The inclusion of flexible payment options, shipping details, and warranty information further enhances the user experience, ensuring that customers have all the information they need to make an informed purchase.

Creative Cross-Selling

What truly sets Sepura apart are its innovative features. The product page for related products like Compost Bags and Carbon Filters delves deep into these attributes, highlighting the brand’s commitment to sustainability, user-centric design, and technological innovation. Whether it’s the product’s ability to handle a wide range of food scraps or its self-cleaning mechanism, users gain a clear understanding of Sepura’s capabilities and the value it brings to their homes.

Sepura’s product page stands as a testament to the brand’s commitment to its customers. Every element, from the visual design to the detailed product information, is meticulously crafted to provide users with a seamless and informative experience. Through its product page, Sepura not only showcases its innovative product but also reinforces its position as a leader in sustainable living solutions.

A Quick and Efficient Cart Experience

In the realm of ecommerce, the cart page is more than just a final checkpoint before purchase—it’s a strategic space to enhance the customer’s shopping experience and boost sales. On Sepura’s cart, we’ve added information about the product, as well as shipping frequency for Carbon Filters and Compost Bags. In cases where those products have not been added, we present customers with complementary products aimed not only to increase average order value, but also to provide a more holistic shopping experience.

To further tailor the shopping experience, we also added a carbon offset calculation so customers can measure their impact. It’s these small details that take a website from boring to bespoke.

A Guided Experience On and Offline

The installation page is a testament to the brand’s commitment to user-friendliness and seamless integration. Recognizing that the installation process can be daunting for many, we outlined a step-by-step video guide so that every user, regardless of their technical prowess or handyman skills, can install their unit with ease.

The installation page offers a series of visual guides, each focusing on a specific step of the installation process. These guides are not just static images; they are accompanied by short video clips, providing a dynamic and comprehensive overview of each step.

To further support its customers, Sepura offers a range of downloadable resources, including specs and installation instructions. Additionally, the inclusion of a detailed FAQ section addresses common queries, ensuring that users have all the answers they need at their fingertips.

Tools of the Trade

Sepura recognizes the importance of partnering with professionals in the building and interior design industry. Their “Trade Program” offers exclusive perks such as deep discounts and dedicated trade representatives. We worked with them to outline the attributes of the program, as well as an application flow that allows new partners to onboard seamlessly.

Bringing It Home

Sepura’s approach to managing kitchen scraps is the most eco-friendly method, emphasizing source separation and composting. The brand prides itself on its innovative technology – from precision separation technology to non-food item detection, the brand continually pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in kitchen waste management.

As a result, we helped create a video that not only showcases how the product works, but its commitment to sustainability. Sepura is designed to divert over 3,300 pounds of methane emissions per home, equivalent to powering five houses for a year.

We wrote a script that illuminates this opportunity, as well as art directed a shoot that…