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Dans un marché saturé de thés et de cafés standard, Mateina a collaboré avec Pact pour insuffler à sa présence numérique la même vitalité et les mêmes bienfaits pour la santé que les produits Yerba Mate offrent à leurs consommateurs.

CVR Growth

Dès le départ, Mateina cherchait plus qu'un simple fournisseur de services ; elle recherchait un partenaire capable de comprendre et d'amplifier sa vision dans le cadre de son lancement aux États-Unis. L'approche collaborative de Pact s'est démarquée, démontrant non seulement une expertise dans l'aide à l'expansion des marques, mais aussi un engagement profond envers la mission de Mateina. Le défi était multiple : concevoir un site web capable de présenter de manière transparente le partenariat de Mateina avec Andrew Huberman, de mettre en avant les avantages de leurs produits pour la santé et de permettre une expérience d'achat qui transcende les frontières, tout en offrant aux clients une puissante fonction de création d'offres groupées. A la vôtre !

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Bringing the Superfood State-Side

Recognizing the logistical and regulatory challenges of selling in both the US and Canada, Pact implemented a robust ecommerce solution that streamlines cross-border transactions.

This included setting up a flexible, scalable platform capable of handling different currencies, tax rates, and shipping rules, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for customers regardless of their location. Pact also optimized the site for speed and reliability across regions, ensuring that Mateina’s online presence is as dynamic and efficient as its products.

“I know hitting tight deadlines isn't easy, but I'm truly grateful for our collaboration with Pact. The new website looks amazing, and we're so happy with the final product." Nicolas Beaupré, CEO + Co-Founder, Mateina

A Bundle for Balanced Energy

In crafting the bundle-building experience for Mateina, Pact focused on creating a seamless, intuitive feature that allowed customers the flexibility to mix and match various Yerba Mate products according to their preferences. Understanding the significance of a personalized shopping experience, Pact leveraged Shopify's robust ecommerce platform to integrate a custom bundle builder that empowered customers to create their perfect combinations of flavors, pack sizes, and accessories.

Pact’s development of this feature on Shopify involved sophisticated customization and programming to ensure a fluid, user-friendly interface. The bundle builder was designed to encourage exploration and experimentation, featuring a dynamic, visually appealing design that made assembling personalized product sets both fun and straightforward.

Dr. Andrew Huberman of The Huberman Lab has long touted the benefits of Yerba Maté. Pact delivered a more trustworthy online presence to introduce their partnership with the famed podcaster.

Dr. Andrew Huberman brings the Leaf to Life

Understanding the value of Mateina’s partnership with Andrew Huberman, Pact strategized to prominently feature this collaboration on the website. This was achieved by designing a dedicated section that highlights the partnership, including video interviews, podcasts excerpts, and educational content that Andrew Huberman and Mateina co-created.

This not only bolstered Mateina's credibility but also provided visitors with valuable insights into the science behind Yerba Mate, emphasizing the trustworthiness and expertise backing the brand.