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Dans le monde animé des boissons, Loverboy se distingue non seulement par ses goûts alléchants, mais aussi par sa vivacité visuelle. Fondé par Kyle Cooke et Amanda Batula, deux vedettes de la télé-réalité, Loverboy a voulu insuffler au marché une boisson aussi vivante que leur personnalité.

Pact a récemment travaillé avec Loverboy, une marque de cocktails et de spritz prêts à boire, pour l'aider à se développer. La marque souhaitait un site nouveau et amélioré qui lui permette de raconter son histoire et de présenter ses boissons à faible teneur en sucre et en alcool.

Le site présente une variété d'intégrations complexes sous le capot. Les lois sur l'alcool variant d'un État à l'autre, nous avons développé une logique personnalisée qui permet à Loverboy de vendre des boissons et des produits dérivés sur un site Shopify unifié, tout en vérifiant la conformité légale des lieux.

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A Palette of Possibilities

Understanding the essence of Loverboy, Pact embarked on a journey to create a digital realm that was as colorful and captivating as the drinks themselves. The approach was clear: to create a design-led, development-driven platform that mirrored the brand's ethos.

Bright colors and a lively design became the cornerstone of this collaboration. Every pixel was painted with purpose, ensuring that the website wasn't just a portal but an experience. From the effervescent efflorescence of Hard Teas to the subtle sophistication of Spritzes and Cocktails, each product line was given its unique digital stage, allowing users to immerse themselves in the world of Loverboy.

Seasoned Entrepreneur meets Summer House

Kyle Cooke is a seasoned entrepreneur turned reality star on the hit show Summer House. People were consistently asking him, “What are we drinking? What’s this rosé?”, and the idea dawned on him to create Loverboy, a one-of-a-kind, health-conscious alcohol product. The built-in demand generated from the TV show coincided perfectly with the growing trend of wellness-focused products.

Before long, Kyle’s vision become a reality as he and fellow founders – his fiancée, Amanda Batula, and BFF, Carl Radke, – built the business in real time on screen throughout the seven seasons of Summer House.

As a result, many of Loverboy’s customers come to the site by way of the founders’ social media presences, so it was important that we placed them prominently throughout the site – underscoring that unlike most celebrity brands, Kyle, Amanda and Carl are in the trenches building Loverboy from the ground up.

The partnership that we have built out of the past year has been one where I know I can trust your team to be candid and deliver on our requests. Both are integral in an agency partner. Emily Bregman, VP, Digital Operations, Loverboy

A Conversion-Focused Cart

Loverboy’s product offering posed a unique challenge at the cart-level of their online store. Since alcohol is regulated differently in each and every state, the brand is unable to ship merchandise and alcohol together in certain instances. Furthermore, the brand also needs to certify that anyone placing an order is over the age of 21. Once you add in the necessity to support a free shipping module, subscribe and save, as well as cross-sell – you’re looking at a pretty complex cart that could get overwhelming – fast!

Our goal was to keep the design integrity and exciting visual language in-tact, and make the cart a one-stop-shop to add additional products once the customer has added a product. The cart itself is a celebration that invites us all to savor each moment. Cheers to an unforgettable experience!