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Beekman 1802

Lorsque le moment est venu pour Beekman d'améliorer son expérience en e-commerce, il s'est tourné vers Pact. En seulement trois mois, nous avons travaillé avec la marque pour transformer l'aspect et la convivialité de leur site, augmenter la vitesse du site et leur donner une plus grande autonomie sur le système de gestion de contenu de Shopify grâce à diverses fonctionnalités personnalisées.

CVR Growth Speed Increase

Depuis, nous avons travaillé avec Beekman afin d'améliorer continuellement l'expérience de leur site, en introduisant de nouvelles fonctionnalités et en affinant les fonctionnalités existantes. L'année dernière, les ventes de la boutique en ligne ont augmenté de 20 % et 50 % de clients en plus sont passés à la caisse.

Visit the Site

A System for Storytelling

A hallmark of Beekman’s updated site experience is increased flexibility for their e-commerce, marketing and merchandising teams to make updates seamlessly. Built on Shopify’s Online Store 2.0 framework, we worked closely with Beekman’s team to create a website that could be deconstructed and re-assembled in thousands of ways depending on seasonality, promotional cycle or business goals.

The result is a customer journey that consistently reinforces the brand’s values – allowing customers to explore by category, concern, ingredient, skin type, product type and beyond.

A Modular Approach for Mixing & Matching

Along with their new website, we built a series of modular elements – a Landing Page library – that would allow Beekman to spin up unique landing pages to unlock more efficient ad spend, highlight unique offers and announce product launches.

We created more than 25 modules as part of Beekman’s toolkit to create different digital experiences that could be infinitely remixed and rematched. Our modules are based on the most effective landing page strategies, and can now be spun up by the Beekman team in less than hour. Furthermore, building out this toolkit allowed us to eliminate reliance on third-parties like Gem Pages, which were causing significant site speed issues.

World-Class Wayfinding

Beekman 1802’s catalog spans hundreds of products across skincare, cosmetics, body care and haircare – with a variety of attributes and areas of focus.

We created a product listing page that showcases product type, product title, sizes, reviews, price, in-line content marketing blocks, a robust filtering system and a beautiful, visual filter system that allows customers to find exactly what they’re looking for at a glance.

In making these updates, Beekman’s beloved products are showcased more effectively, the team is able to curate merchandising opportunities throughout the year, and we are able to highlight specific attributes – like lifting and firming vs. brightening – so that the brand’s story is woven thoughtfully throughout the browsing experience.

A Conversion-Focused Cart

For the cart, we designed an exciting experience that incentivizes Beekman 1802’s most loyal shoppers and new customers alike. With complete gamification and a bespoke Gift With Purchase experience, our cart goes beyond the standard free shipping thresholds and introduces tiered offers based on amount spent.

Product upsells and free samples are also showcased, encouraging a higher average order value and conversion rate. The result is a cart that provides Beekman 1802 infinite versatility and enables customers to explore additional products without leaving the purchase funnel.

The Gifts that Keep On Giving

Gifts With Purchase promotions play a big role in Beekman’s online sales strategy, but Shopify’s native Gift With Purchase experience can be cumbersome, as it requires customers to manually add their gift to cart before it is discounted. We identified an opportunity to use Shopify’s new Functions and Metaobjects capabilities to develop a custom Gift With Purchase experience, unlocking a variety of different Gift With Purchase promotions for Beekman to use.

When a customer adds eligible products to their cart, we’re able to automatically add their gift to the cart as well. Furthermore, we’re handling those items through a Cart Transform function, making it possible for customers to combine their Gift With Purchase promotion with other discounts, such as loyalty promo codes.

Site Takeovers for BFCM and Warehouse Sale

The holiday period and Beekman’s bi-annual warehouse sale are some of their most important sales periods. We worked with them to develop a variety of updates to the site that made these periods a success, hitting 2X their sales objectives.

We also worked closely with Beekman to kick off the holiday season, introducing a festive site takeover experience that allowed customers to unlock exclusive daily deals, announce new products and provide a branded experience amidst a sea of promotions.

A big part of Beekman’s strategy was around daily doorbusters and advent calendar slides that would lock/unlock depending on the day. To help streamline their internal processes during an otherwise busy period, we set up slideshow scheduling that let them schedule when a module should be shown and hidden, removing the need for their team to make manual, daily updates, or rely on switching an entire theme just to swap one module.

We moved Beekman’s logistical operations for international orders over to Shopify’s Markets Pro, which enabled them to scale to 150 countries in a matter of weeks. New features like transacting in local currency, no surprise duties, and seamless shipping options led to a 23% increase in the international conversion rate and 137% growth in international sales.

A Partnership Built for Scale

Once the site went live, we monitored Shopify analytics and used real customer data to identify areas of improvement across the core purchasing flow, specifically:

  • An iterative approach to the PDP based on heatmapping and customer data
  • Identified new ways to reward customers based on annual spend, designating a VIP tier that would unlock exclusive pricing
  • Integrated innovative discounting strategies to work across Beekman’s various sales channels, including an app, in-store point-of-sale and ecommerce
  • Supported the migration to new 3PL and shipping partners
  • Enhanced the customer subscription experience by re-platforming from ReCharge to Stay.AI
  • Helped stand up their influencer and affiliates campaigns
  • Integrated Permalinks, which allowed Beekman to send Abandoned Cart emails that would automatically rebuild their cart, allowing this flow to work regardless of the device the user was on