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Fancy Peasant

Fancy Peasant a fait appel à Pact pour créer une plateforme en ligne distincte et élégante qui non seulement mettrait en valeur son huile d'olive extra vierge grecque phénoménale, mais qui raconterait également l'histoire de son héritage, de sa provenance, de sa recette et plus encore d'une manière attrayante et immersive.

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Au cœur de la Grèce se trouve un trésor de produits artisanaux qui attendent d'être découverts par le monde entier. Fancy Peasant, un fournisseur de produits artisanaux grecs essentiels, a cherché à combler ce fossé, dans le but d'apporter les riches saveurs et traditions de la Grèce à un public mondial.

Fondé par Anastasia Ganias-Gellin à la suite du décès de son père, nous avons travaillé en étroite collaboration avec l'équipe fondatrice pour tisser l'héritage de la famille Ganias, de la culture et des traditions grecques dans une expérience numérique qui mélange le contenu et le commerce.

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The New Gold Standard

There are few things more powerful than first impressions, and Fancy Peasant’s new website speaks for itself. With a blend of captivating visuals and succinct content, the homepage offers a glimpse into the world of Greek artisanal products, enticing visitors to explore further.

Upon landing, customers are greeted with an immersive product carousel that showcases the depth and breadth of the product catalog, with instructional messaging that outlines the key attributes of each product. Amidst the product assortment, Anastasia’s love for food and passion for nutrition is on full display.

With more than 50K followers, Anastasia’s loyal fans and close-knit community tune in for her recipes and unfiltered views on parenting, health and wellness. As a result, it was important for us to weave in aspects of her social media presence throughout the site.

The result is a rich landing experience that blends Anastasia’s mission, the curated product assortment, recipes, glossary content and more.

Ingredients that Inspire

Storytelling is at the heart of Fancy Peasant’s brand. As a result, we developed three core pillars to reinforce the brand’s narrative: a lifestyle blog, a robust recipes section and an ingredient glossary.

Not only does this provide the Fancy Peasant team with plenty of space to expand, it also provides different outlets for them to share their journey, the stories behind their products, and the rich heritage of Greek artisanal traditions.

An immersive recipes section allows readers to get a step-by-step breakdown of Anastasia’s iconic recipes, share them seamlessly with friends and family, as well as the ability to cross off ingredients they’ve already added to to their list. Each recipe also includes rich photography that inspires customers to get into the kitchen and play with food.

Our collaboration with Fancy Peasant is a testament to the power of storytelling, innovation, and strategic thinking. Together, we crafted a digital experience that not only showcases products but also immerses visitors in the rich tapestry of Greek artisanal traditions. This project is a perfect example of how Pact transforms challenges into opportunities, crafting solutions that resonate and inspire.

A Community that Cooks and Connect

In today’s digital age, social media plays a pivotal role in brand engagement. Pact seamlessly integrated Instagram content and videos throughout the website, providing a dynamic and interactive experience for visitors. This integration not only showcases Fancy Peasant’s active social media presence but also allowed visitors to engage with the brand on multiple platforms. Much of Anastasia’s content blends old-world cooking techniques adapted for our hectic, modern lifestyles – ensuring that her audience not only enjoys the process, but is able to get rich, nutritious meals on the table quickly with an understanding of the traditions and techniques behind those recipes.

Smart Solutions that Scale

Recognizing the growing needs of Fancy Peasant’s e-commerce business, we recommended a migration from Squarespace to Shopify+. This strategic move offered a plethora of benefits, including enhanced e-commerce functionalities, improved user experience, and scalability.

As part of this effort, we migrated all customer data and prior orders to ensure accurate historical data. We opted to recreate the product setups and SKUs from scratch given the limited product catalog to ensure that the the products would map seamlessly to the new (and much improved) CMS.

The transition was smooth, ensuring that Fancy Peasant’s online store is not only visually appealing, but also robust and efficient enough to power their growth.