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Studs - Vente au détail physique

En plus de notre travail sur l'expérience commerciale omnicanale de Studs, nous avons travaillé en étroite collaboration avec l'équipe pour optimiser le parcours de réservation d'un perçage et le transformer d'insipide en marque.

Chez Studs, les clients peuvent se faire percer dans un environnement sûr et positif, avec une gamme de boucles d'oreilles originales pour créer des looks uniques et personnels.

En plus d'une expérience commerciale exceptionnelle, Studs souhaitait optimiser sa plateforme de réservation pour permettre aux clients de prendre des rendez-vous à un niveau hyper-local, de planifier des rendez-vous plus longtemps à l'avance et d'offrir plus d'options en ce qui concerne la disponibilité des rendez-vous.

Depuis notre arrivée il y a deux ans au sein de l'équipe technique, nous avons aidé Studs à construire une expérience de vente au détail omnicanale qui permet un parcours client holistique basé sur la personnalisation et la performance.

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It was important for Studs have a cohesive customer journey. Pact has helped our digital booking experience align with our highly designed piercing studios. Yulin Yong, VP of Digital Product

Thinking Out of the Box

Studs originally used Acuity's out-of-the-box embeddable widget for their piercing studios across the United States to book and manage appointments.

The challenge was that the widget didn't really feel like STUDS: it couldn't link to a customer's profile and didn't provide enough options for appointment booking. In our quest to make STUDS the destination for piercing, education and jewelry, we built a custom booking platform that would maximize flexibility and keep customers engaged.

It's a Date

Before we got to work, when customers wanted to book piercing appointments, they had to choose a Studs studio and select a date; if that date didn’t have availability, the customer was out of luck.

Thanks to our new platform, customers can now explore different locations that have earlier availability. By making appointments more accessible  and allowing customers to check nearby locations, Studs increased its conversion rate and increased bookings.

A Seamless Booking Experience

We also unified customers’ profiles so that their booking details are tied to their Studs account.

This enables Studs to recommend jewelry tailored to the customer's piercing selection, personal style and location.

Our new platform also provides targeted marketing opportunities, empowering Studs to make informed decisions about how and when to re-engage their customers.