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Depuis plus de 4 ans, Pact a travaillé avec l'équipe de Pehr dans ses efforts pour concevoir des expériences numériques belles, réfléchies et modernes pour soutenir leur assortiment croissant de vêtements, d'ameublement et d'accessoires pour bébés et enfants.

Nous avons travaillé en étroite collaboration avec la marque afin de donner vie à un assortiment varié de produits, à une capacité de filtrage accrue, à la possibilité d'acheter par âge, par lots et par kits, et bien plus encore.

Le résultat est une expérience commerciale joyeuse et fantaisiste, tout en conservant une forte orientation vers la conversion et le client.

Visit the Site
Our experience with Pact has been exceptional from our first meeting. We could see straight away they truly wanted to be part of our team. The onboarding steps they took to learn our brand paid off ten fold in the work they delivered. Elizabeth Galloway, Director of Consumer Experience

Getting Around

Throughout the course of our work with Pehr, it’s always been important to keep wayfinding front and centre given the breadth of their assortment. We’ve created a robust navigation system, category and product filtering – as well as the ability to shop by age, style, color scheme and product type. The result is a website that feels highly navigable – no matter where a customer finds themselves.

One Stop Shop

Pehr has a lot of messaging they want to be communicated – shipping lead times, tiered shipping discounts, gift notes, loyalty and more. We’ve been working with them to translate this robust information into a distilled experience that allows customers to checkout as quickly and easily as possible.

We wanted to create a PDP experience that would allow Pehr to showcase unique product attributes, like limited edition variants, unique characteristics (like organic cotton), product specifications, return details and more. We did this while keeping the add to cart button above the proverbial fold and maximizing the allotted real estate for big, beautiful gallery images. The result is a swipeable, tappable and ultra-shoppable experience on both desktop and mobile.

Bespoke Bundling

We created custom bundles that Pehr could curate and merchandise. The first custom bundle we created gave Pehr the ability to select products through custom fields as well an option to specify which variant SKUs they wanted to highlight. Each product represented a step towards building their bundle.

As bundles became more popular, Pehr wanted to create more elaborate options with more selections per step. We expanded the bundle builder to handle multiple products per step along with multiple selections (i.e. color and size), all the while still providing Pehr with the ability to specify SKUs.

We wanted to allow new parents to mix and match what suited their needs best, not what we thought would suit their needs best. Each bundle was to have a fixed price, but each underlying item had different prices. What’s more, we needed to ensure inventory would not be impacted by bundle items as we couldn't risk overselling.