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Bark Box

Bark a pour mission de rendre les chiens aussi heureux que les humains. Elle s'est tournée vers Pact lorsqu'il s'est agi de replatformer et de mettre à l'échelle son infrastructure en vue d'une expansion internationale.

Après des années de succès dans la vente de BarkBox, une boîte d'abonnement mensuel de jouets et de friandises sur le marché américain, l'entreprise était prête à étendre son offre de produits pour inclure des aliments pour chiens, des plans de repas personnalisés, des produits à mâcher, des jouets sur mesure et des bâtonnets dentaires.

Nous avons travaillé en étroite collaboration avec Bark pour changer de plateforme pour Shopify afin qu'ils puissent facilement créer de nouvelles pages, de nouveaux modules et de nouveaux sites pour leur assortiment croissant de produits et leur permettre de s'étendre à l'international avec facilité.

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The Great Migration

About seven years into Bark's historic growth, the team realized they were bogged down by a tech stack that simply didn't work for them: making updates was labor intensive, and the team couldn't move as swiftly as it needed to as a start-up on an upward trajectory.

We worked closely with Bark to migrate to Shopify, a huge effort encompassing hundreds of SKUs, hundreds of thousands of customer profiles and detailed subscription data. In doing so, we created a system that provided Bark more agency over its tech stack and the ability to make updates as often as the company needed.

We trained the Bark team on how to use this updated content management system: how to edit pages, make changes to SKUs, manage inventory, update the “build your box” quiz and much more. The resulting site allowed Bark to develop and customize landing pages, product and content much more easily.

Since its founding nine years ago, Bark's revenue is upwards of $360 million, and the company has gone public, which shows that international expansion means big business when it comes to precious pooches.

A Beloved Box Goes Global

With the technology in a much better position to scale, we helped Bark expand internationally. We created an easily replicable system that allows it to develop stores in brand new international markets with ease, including accounting for local regulations, currencies and languages.

This system change not only had to work for BarkBox, but also for its various entities so flexibility was key because a one-size-fits-all website would not have worked for international demands.